Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere

Our Mission:

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Bösch
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Bösch

Our department focuses on accurate measurement sets to assess and understand natural and anthropogenic changes in the atmosphere. The impact of these changes is often global in nature, so we often, but not exclusively, use satellite observations.

Carbon and greenhouse gases and the changes in their concentrations are an important part of our research. We also investigate changes in aerosol and cloud properties, which are important climate drivers.

In the area of air quality and climate protection, reactive gases in the lower or higher layers of the atmosphere are also playing an increasingly important role, which we are investigating mainly with the help of satellite analyses, but also with laboratory, ground and aircraft-based measurements.

These investigations are supported by our own instrument developments that improve satellite, aircraft or ground-based measurements of the above-mentioned parameters.

The field of research of "Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere" is directed by Prof. Hartmut Bösch.

Research Teams:

  • Greenhouse and carbon gases

    Greenhouse and carbon gases

    The focus of the IUP Carbon GHG Group is to retrieve information on atmospheric carbon gases (focus: CO2, CH4, CO) and to interprete the observations in terms of surface sources and sinks. more...

  • Aerosol and Cloud Research

    Aerosol and Cloud Research

    Aerosol, cloud and surface studies using optical sensors data from different satellite instruments (e. g., MERIS, MODIS, SeaWiFS). Climate and air quality impact of aerosols and clouds. more...

  • DOAS


    We use the DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) method to retrieve atmospheric trace gas concentrations from UV/visible spectra (satellite, aircraft, ground) of scattered sunlight. more...

  • UVSat


    We focus on ozone measurements in the UV spectral range from satellites. We investigate ozone columns, ozone vertical profiles and tropospheric ozone. more...

  • Limb Retrieval and Radiative Transfer

    Limb Retrieval and Radiative Transfer

    Retrieval of the vertical distributions of atmospheric species (O3, NO2, BrO, H2O) and stratospheric aerosol characteristics (extinction, particle size disribution) from space borne measurements of the scattered solar light in UV-Visible-NIR-SWIR spectral range. more...



    Tropospheric Radical Observations and Laser Absorption Spectroscopy works on the investigation of the atmospheric chemistry related to the photochemistry and the mechanisms of free radical reactions involved in the formation and depletion of O3 in the troposphere. more...

  • Molecular Spectroscopy and Chemical Kinetics

    Molecular Spectroscopy and Chemical Kinetics

    Our work is to provide accurate reference data for atmospheric remote sensing, to study molecular physics and chemistry related to atmospheric problems, and to determine atmospheric concentrations by optical methods. more...

  • Electronics, Optics and Sensors

    Electronics, Optics and Sensors

    Electronics and optics specialties, design and test of airborne and balloonborne sensors. With MaMAP, a new airborne 2 channel NIR-SWIR grating spectrometer system for simultaneous remote measurements of tropospheric methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) was introduced. more...



    SCIATRAN is a software package incorporating a radiative transfer model and a retrieval algorithm which can be easily adjusted to solve a wide range of scientific tasks. more...

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Department structure and members:

The structure of the whole working group can be seen from the following diagram: [3.534 KB]